Friday, August 30, 2024


Science is not a failed idea but merely an interim one. It will never answer the fundamental questions of who we are, what we are, where we are, and especially why.   God's reality becomes more apparent with each scientific discovery, and the probability of science disavowing God becomes increasingly less likely. 

If we “are because we are” and can thus presume that our existence is purposeful and not merely a pastime of immortal intellect, then we are justified in believing that we are a creation of a God. We have a purpose to fulfill and only revealed religion has the answers. We are here to serve and be served by one another, and through this material existence and esoteric experience, we are “being” prepared to exist eternally in a so-called spiritual realm.  The questions are: why?  And how did an intellect come into a non-material existence and have the knowledge and power to create “our” material universe? Where did the knowledge and intent come from to manipulate the non-material realm, causing it to vibrate uniquely, facilitating a material existence, enabling a material bubble within which our mortal existence is contained, and providing us and our animal cohorts time, space, and purpose? 

Unfortunately, our material universe can only continue to exist if it expands because that is impetuous of gravity and the antidote to physical entropy.   Thus, the challenge of creationism and the inevitability of time and the likelihood of it coming to an end is prophesied. 

Thursday, October 5, 2023


After seeing this picture my thoughts went to the notion of it being evidence of eternal progression and the LDS doctrine of us becoming Gods.  What do we do?  Create other worlds. Not in a helter-skelter fashion but in an orderly process and as I assume limited by our knowledge and relationships.  Like temporal life, we each have our abilities and inabilities.  So some of us are more capable of creating than others. Most of us are merely Stander-by or me-toos so the network nature of the universe and its brighter spots reflect that circumstance.  As we learn and grow in knowledge and power the universe expands with each new temporal creation.

It appears as though the universe has been under construction for a very long time.  Is there an end? Do we as Gods eventually retire and turn over the reigns to our children and is there an old gods home?  Entropy insures the never ending need to create.  Forever onward.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Free Speech

The notion that speech is free is noble but proven wrong daily. Social media capitalizes on the different forms of speech and has been since the traveling minstrels of the dark ages. Censorship and defamation of character trials have been part of the cost of speaking freely.

In today’s highly charged social interactions, activism’s agendas, and cultural change is the evidence that the bigot gene is out and Pandora’s box is open. They won’t be put back in no matter how many biased editors are hired, prejudiced algorithms coded, or bigoted shadow bans imposToday I can give a thumbs up or down, love or not. Ads are analytically tailored. The same thing will be true in the future for political, bigoted, and biased speech. The challenge will be to develop an interface which promotes and facilitates communication and a willingness to allow, even seek, dialogue.

An interesting development is the advent of AI in the moderation of information calls. I’m no longer sure whether it is a real person when I connect to any chat feature. This is only going to become more robust over time. Whether it’s customer service, educational classes, or physiological evaluations AI facilitated sessions will be the become the norm.

The issue is algorithmic mischief. Will the programmers be innocuous or obnoxious? The intriguing future is AI enabled education with human augmented performance at every intellectual level. The world is not fair, equitable, or understanding. Humanity is not common, equal, or sympathetic. Technology will enable understanding, prioritizing, and facilitating such that every individual will succeed at their level of competence. Hopefully, humanity will supply the empathy, sympathy, and creativity.

Speech will no longer need to be protected and the made up rules enforced by imperfect humans because our AI bubbles or proprietary zones will intervene, not by shielding us but preparing us to hears, evaluate, and respond to any idea and not necessarily in identical fashion or conflict prone gatherings. The old world problem of managing speech will be replaced by the ancient world paradigm of human motivation. Because learning is no longer constrained by human foibles but by programmed patience and calculated probabilities plus individualistic pedagogy and psychologically appropriate methods of learning and developing.

We become individuals capable of negotiating a crowded world of biased, prejudiced, and bigoted people finding those of like mind and dealing with peacefully or judiciously not engaging with those who are contrary.


Our culture is changing for the worse. Our economy is failing. Our society is at odds about everything. The world's other countries are equally dysfunctional. Leadership has given way to cronyism and bullying. Idealism has been replaced by ideology, rancor, and prejudice.

It may not be so disconcerting if the consequences for falling from grace was simply a loss of status or privileged but it goes way beyond that today.  There seems to be an attitude of retribution and prosecution. It is no longer an issue of equality or even equity. The so called sins of the past are to be visited upon the heads of the vanquished. Every idea or circumstance that was a constituent of the social order is considered abhorrent to the present and must be overturned or eradicated which includes the individuals associated with them.

Is there a purpose to our existence?  Does the concept of charity and service really carry the promise of peace and security?  Even if we evolved emotionally and ascended morally to a point of completeness, why?  Will we transcend mortality and materialistic existence? 

Our ?

Understanding the motives of socialists, in the face of socialism’s disastrous history, current disastrous examples, and plentiful illustrations of financial ruin preceded by a disfunctional social fabric, is beyond me.  Any rational thinking being should realize by now that the promise of a socialized society is really empty because humans are not capable of denying their nature, overcoming inequity and persisting in a changing world.

Realizing the inevitability of utopian thinking by most people only explains the ideal. Recognizing the persistent notion of pragmatism practiced by the majority illustrates the conflict which propels society but also seems to hinder the progress because everyone is not in agreement with every particular aspect of a civilized world. Everyone is not willing to make dissimilar sacrifices and accept inequitable outcomes for the betterment of a civilized world.

Acknowledging the reality of humanity’s trend of improving its status, throughout history, in spite of its nature doesn’t seem to be possible. Are we then condemned to bumble our way through the life and times of humanity never actually achieving our potential to exceed our ignorance and inabilities until we simply cease to exist?

Capitalism has its shortcomings. What “ism” awaits humanity?  Is there anything beyond materialism? Is spirituality a possibility? Especially one not defined in material terms where a corporeal God is seated on a throne surrounded by sing angles? Is it even possible to imagine spiritually? Is the physical universe the embodiment of existence and does that mean our intellect can only take form materially? Does our eternity await us as imperfect entities engaged in a never-ending pursuit of intellectual perfection?  Do we eventually, achieve self-actualization only to grow bored of existing?

The U.S. Senate

 I awoke thinking about how the original selection of U.S. Senators was by state legislature appointment, not popular vote.  Given the deceit of self-appointed candidates and the ignorance of the electors, the Senate has become a morass of egotistical, greedy, and dishonest people not really interested or remotely capable of governing themselves let alone a nation of self-interested and increasingly lazy constituents.

As a result, we find ourselves massively in debt and divided ideologically beyond repair.  The demise of the United States of America is only a matter of time and how quickly its financial and cultural collapse takes place.  The question is what will rise from its ashes and will the vultures circling leave any trace of it?

Monday, November 9, 2020

Why Gravity is NOT a Force

This supports my “Inertia” post and adds information to my notion that Gravity doesn’t actually exist.  There are two issues. First time space is not two dimensional but four. Which means the depiction of a warped sheet is incomplete. Second, what motivates matter?  Is the universe falling into a well of gravity or is God dipping a finger into the mix and spinning space in multiple directions kind of like an underwater speaker vibrates the pool?