Thursday, January 31, 2013
Econtalk response
When Russ questioned the efficacy of the idea being discussed based on popular unacceptance of it, I had an idea come to me.
Obviously you boys are delusional. If what you are espousing made any sense or was even remotely practical then the world would have a couple hundred million more souls treading it surface. Men like Stalin and Mao perhaps even Hitler would have eagerly enacted the democratic principles and the fiscally economically prudent precepts that you guys are hyping.
In addition to the billions currently here, more mindless dweebs would have been inspired by the never ending examples of prudence and self-restraint. They would have naturally aspired to be contributing members of society. They would have taken satisfaction in the knowledge that their willingness to sacrifice was making their society a better place for those of less means and especially for the generations of the future. If what you were saying was true things would be different but it is not and the first world populations are living proof of that.
If what you are trying to sell made any sense to our politicians our great-great-grand children would not be faced with the so called trillions of dollars of debt but they would be willing to encourage them to subsist within their meager means as your policies would have dictated.
In fact if you two weren't caught up in your own myopic little minds you could realize that the need for money and the creation of debt is only the vestige of a by gone era. The economic giants of today know that the world is transitioning into the future where personal worth is not based on an arbitrary currency and where the responsibility for debt was simply a tool for the rich too victimize the poor. Just like religion was invented by the rich to keep the poor happy.
The thing you and others like you fail to realize is that not everyone has to be a giant for us to stand on the shoulders of giants. Giants are born and will succeed in lifting us all so this arcane notion that monetary debt is somehow a motivator of enterprise and entrepreneurialism is just so much hyperbole.
The scare tactic that there will be no one left to produce what we consume if we are all resting on our couches waiting for it to be delivered is poppy cock. There are plenty of people who live to produce and invent. There are plenty of others who are naturally hyper active looking for things to do. The advances in technology will, soon, replace our need to actually work. As quickly as we can dispense with the notions, that only those who work get rich and the fraudulent justification of investing money is reputable, the better off we will be.
The natural law that once everyone has everything they need not everyone will need everything can only be achieved when the misguided practice of evaluating everything monetarily comes to an end and as soon as everyone has everything they need.
Why harken to times of old when the future is before us?
Considering all that is wrong with this world can be characterized by the seven sins, the nature of man to seek the path of least resistance, and the profound inequities of life and existence. Is there any hope that it will not end in chaos and disaster?
Every day the radio, television and especially the internet reports yet another breakdown of society, law, and order. Every day the disfunction of the world's systems is reported as the more disparate groups seek retribution or retaliation for the increasing minor infractions of their self-imposed sacrosanct
rights and liberties.
Every day the travesties against society and its infinite diversity of sensibilities seem to increase and become more violent and shocking. The world's population is such that there is no escaping and its technology makes it possible to propose, find allies, and export hate and discontent everywhere instantly.
The more reasonable minds are overwhelmed by the selfish and childish instincts of the immature and unreasonable expectations of the mindless. The pandering politicians, greedy, and power hungry elitists capitalize on the opportunity to enact their schemes and plans of domination and world control. All the time enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else. All in the name of humanitarian relief and good intentions.
For centuries the heartless prayed on the helpless and now the selfish, in each of us, pretend that it is okay to get ours with no regard as to the well being of anyone else especially the legitimate poor and needy or the environmental costs that come with it.
There is no one right answer and I seriously doubt that there is any real opportunity for compromise to be acceptable. Even the practice of individual responsibility and self-sacrifice is not going to work because our cultural differences, economic realities, and profound inequities are so extreme that there can be no meeting of the minds, no willingness to live and let live, and no personal satisfaction allowed.
I suppose one can say that it has been an interesting journey to the end and that many good things have been produced along the way. I suppose that one could hope that there is a salvation in store and that miraculously humanity will be saved from itself. Time will tell. Life will go on. Man's will to live and his creativity may succeed and will lead to a profoundly different future. Humanity may even figure it out but I doubt it. Can they RIP, I doubt it.
Every day the radio, television and especially the internet reports yet another breakdown of society, law, and order. Every day the disfunction of the world's systems is reported as the more disparate groups seek retribution or retaliation for the increasing minor infractions of their self-imposed sacrosanct
rights and liberties.
Every day the travesties against society and its infinite diversity of sensibilities seem to increase and become more violent and shocking. The world's population is such that there is no escaping and its technology makes it possible to propose, find allies, and export hate and discontent everywhere instantly.
The more reasonable minds are overwhelmed by the selfish and childish instincts of the immature and unreasonable expectations of the mindless. The pandering politicians, greedy, and power hungry elitists capitalize on the opportunity to enact their schemes and plans of domination and world control. All the time enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else. All in the name of humanitarian relief and good intentions.
For centuries the heartless prayed on the helpless and now the selfish, in each of us, pretend that it is okay to get ours with no regard as to the well being of anyone else especially the legitimate poor and needy or the environmental costs that come with it.
There is no one right answer and I seriously doubt that there is any real opportunity for compromise to be acceptable. Even the practice of individual responsibility and self-sacrifice is not going to work because our cultural differences, economic realities, and profound inequities are so extreme that there can be no meeting of the minds, no willingness to live and let live, and no personal satisfaction allowed.
I suppose one can say that it has been an interesting journey to the end and that many good things have been produced along the way. I suppose that one could hope that there is a salvation in store and that miraculously humanity will be saved from itself. Time will tell. Life will go on. Man's will to live and his creativity may succeed and will lead to a profoundly different future. Humanity may even figure it out but I doubt it. Can they RIP, I doubt it.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Seedy side
Apparently two of the biggest foolish ideas are Christianity and Democracy. Why? Because the notions of Christianity to believe the best is possible in man has led to a society which embraces evil and repudiates good. The ideas that a person should forgive his enemy and sacrifice well being for heavenly rewards hasn't turned out too well for countless individual and this nation.
The notion that government by democracy some how is an enabling ideal and that the poor and wicked won't capitalize on the opportunity to enrich themselves by voting it so, is either foolishness or a lie.
The judeo-christian ethic and value system has empowered man from its inception. The ideas that honesty and integrity are critical to the success of society and that laws are essential to the well being of man and beast has served this world well for many thousands of years. However it seems to have come to an end when individual integrity is deemed worthless or negotiable.
All other systems of government have proven themselves to be destructive of the individual as well as society far in advance of democracy's failure which leaves us little or nothing to look forward too. Christianity offers nothing more than a benign dictatorship based on the notion that love for one another and consecration of all things is the best answer. Christianity acknowledges evil but offers no solution to it or for it other than to love you enemy.
All of the "-cies" and "-isims" including survival of the fittest has been tried and failed. What next? In my opinion if the second coming of Jesus Christ is not at hand then it must be the "-ologies" that are on the horizon. The future of technology seems practically limitless. New discoveries and countless inventions and developments point to a different and perhaps brighter future.
One of those scenarios is the replacement of labor by robots so that instead of a man's worth being dependent upon his muscles or intelect his worth is measured in service. The supplanting of integrity and ethics by a sentient and empathetic droid is really unnecessary, impractical, and unlikely. However, there is still the issue of good and evil which can only, currently, be dealt with ethically, morally, and by legislated law enforcement.
A second future is the reliance on technology and the enabling of the individual man or woman to deal with good and evil through information and computer aided knowledge and assessment. As technology becomes microscopic and can be integrated into our physical being we will find ourselves being made smarter, stronger, and potentially wiser. As technology becomes ubiquitous and amorphous we will able to perceive the intent of and know the history of any acquaintance.
The notion of transparency will be augmented by the ability to perceive value or threat instantaneously. Instead of reliance upon a government to legislate laws or an enforcement agency relegated to the role of investigating the crime after the laws have been broken we as individuals will be able to find and associate with like minded individuals. Instead of becoming victims of unscrupulous hooligans we will be able to reside in a place and time that is appropriate and adequate for our well being and prosperity.
It is conceivable that laws will be unnecessary because social and economic dealings will be done with the full knowledge of the individual, the infinite memory of the cloud, and the computational power of the computer.
It is conceivable that ethics, morals and rights will no longer need to be articulated or argued about but lived by the people in our association. It will be possible and probable that families, neighborhoods, communities, cities, counties, states and possibly nations will be coincidentally inhabited by like minded people who are willing to allow others to exist peacefully.
Obviously the danger of any homogeneous gathering or ideal is the likelihood that 'group think' will take over because invariably there will be one dominate idea or personality that is charismatic and influential. Throughout history that has been the beginning of injustice, intolerance, and prejudice. The interesting thing about the technological future is that the intent of one individual and willingness of others will be easily discernible. Because of our enhanced analysis and empowered decision making processes the depth and breadth of any aberrant idea or concept will be necessarily limited because more people will be revolted by it than attracted to it.
Not that bad ideas and intent can't exist because they can but that the support they receive will be proportional to those people who really want to do bad things and have bad things happen to them and not simply a bunch of dupes misled and misinformed. As a consequence I don't think the bad ideas or destructive intent will find many followers because it will be possible for the potential dupes to consider the negative consequences. Those repelled by it can quickly and easily distance themselves from it and seek better associations.
This will all be possible through applications by countless programers posting their utilities which will inform us of the various state of affairs we find ourselves in and where those people, places, things, and actions are the we are attracted to. Our own personal profiles will determine the value of each person or instance independent of big sis. because all information can be accessed and analyzed according to our preferences. It is relative only to us and affects only us and an our personal behavior. Our every actions is recorded and reported as a means of informing everyone else.
The power brokers will obviously try to maintain power but because the internet is divested and the information communal there is no simple way for them to aggregate power and influence. Because the applications are situation specific there is no easy way to integrate their collective influence. The only danger is when information is kept secret. Even that can be over come because the lack of access will trigger alarms and discount the value the people, places, or activities associated with the secrecy. In a sense a self-policing and first order transparent environment relative to personal profiles and values established not by any agency but by the algorithms each person employs to evaluate the circumstances for themselves.
The most interesting thing is that morals are individual based not institution based. Your value to me is not what someone else says it is based on their standards but how you measure up to my standards. My standards can be low but after a while I get tired of being taken and swindled and my standards naturally rise and my feed back loop becomes much more discriminatory. I all have the incentive to live up to my standards because that will be the deciding factor on how a value is reported. We instinctively want good things to happen even though we are attracted to the seedy side of things.
The notion that government by democracy some how is an enabling ideal and that the poor and wicked won't capitalize on the opportunity to enrich themselves by voting it so, is either foolishness or a lie.
The judeo-christian ethic and value system has empowered man from its inception. The ideas that honesty and integrity are critical to the success of society and that laws are essential to the well being of man and beast has served this world well for many thousands of years. However it seems to have come to an end when individual integrity is deemed worthless or negotiable.
All other systems of government have proven themselves to be destructive of the individual as well as society far in advance of democracy's failure which leaves us little or nothing to look forward too. Christianity offers nothing more than a benign dictatorship based on the notion that love for one another and consecration of all things is the best answer. Christianity acknowledges evil but offers no solution to it or for it other than to love you enemy.
All of the "-cies" and "-isims" including survival of the fittest has been tried and failed. What next? In my opinion if the second coming of Jesus Christ is not at hand then it must be the "-ologies" that are on the horizon. The future of technology seems practically limitless. New discoveries and countless inventions and developments point to a different and perhaps brighter future.
One of those scenarios is the replacement of labor by robots so that instead of a man's worth being dependent upon his muscles or intelect his worth is measured in service. The supplanting of integrity and ethics by a sentient and empathetic droid is really unnecessary, impractical, and unlikely. However, there is still the issue of good and evil which can only, currently, be dealt with ethically, morally, and by legislated law enforcement.
A second future is the reliance on technology and the enabling of the individual man or woman to deal with good and evil through information and computer aided knowledge and assessment. As technology becomes microscopic and can be integrated into our physical being we will find ourselves being made smarter, stronger, and potentially wiser. As technology becomes ubiquitous and amorphous we will able to perceive the intent of and know the history of any acquaintance.
The notion of transparency will be augmented by the ability to perceive value or threat instantaneously. Instead of reliance upon a government to legislate laws or an enforcement agency relegated to the role of investigating the crime after the laws have been broken we as individuals will be able to find and associate with like minded individuals. Instead of becoming victims of unscrupulous hooligans we will be able to reside in a place and time that is appropriate and adequate for our well being and prosperity.
It is conceivable that laws will be unnecessary because social and economic dealings will be done with the full knowledge of the individual, the infinite memory of the cloud, and the computational power of the computer.
It is conceivable that ethics, morals and rights will no longer need to be articulated or argued about but lived by the people in our association. It will be possible and probable that families, neighborhoods, communities, cities, counties, states and possibly nations will be coincidentally inhabited by like minded people who are willing to allow others to exist peacefully.
Obviously the danger of any homogeneous gathering or ideal is the likelihood that 'group think' will take over because invariably there will be one dominate idea or personality that is charismatic and influential. Throughout history that has been the beginning of injustice, intolerance, and prejudice. The interesting thing about the technological future is that the intent of one individual and willingness of others will be easily discernible. Because of our enhanced analysis and empowered decision making processes the depth and breadth of any aberrant idea or concept will be necessarily limited because more people will be revolted by it than attracted to it.
Not that bad ideas and intent can't exist because they can but that the support they receive will be proportional to those people who really want to do bad things and have bad things happen to them and not simply a bunch of dupes misled and misinformed. As a consequence I don't think the bad ideas or destructive intent will find many followers because it will be possible for the potential dupes to consider the negative consequences. Those repelled by it can quickly and easily distance themselves from it and seek better associations.
This will all be possible through applications by countless programers posting their utilities which will inform us of the various state of affairs we find ourselves in and where those people, places, things, and actions are the we are attracted to. Our own personal profiles will determine the value of each person or instance independent of big sis. because all information can be accessed and analyzed according to our preferences. It is relative only to us and affects only us and an our personal behavior. Our every actions is recorded and reported as a means of informing everyone else.
The power brokers will obviously try to maintain power but because the internet is divested and the information communal there is no simple way for them to aggregate power and influence. Because the applications are situation specific there is no easy way to integrate their collective influence. The only danger is when information is kept secret. Even that can be over come because the lack of access will trigger alarms and discount the value the people, places, or activities associated with the secrecy. In a sense a self-policing and first order transparent environment relative to personal profiles and values established not by any agency but by the algorithms each person employs to evaluate the circumstances for themselves.
The most interesting thing is that morals are individual based not institution based. Your value to me is not what someone else says it is based on their standards but how you measure up to my standards. My standards can be low but after a while I get tired of being taken and swindled and my standards naturally rise and my feed back loop becomes much more discriminatory. I all have the incentive to live up to my standards because that will be the deciding factor on how a value is reported. We instinctively want good things to happen even though we are attracted to the seedy side of things.
The PBS documentary about 'What Darwin didn't know' celebrating evolution actually shows that species diversity is not simply a process of natural selection but a prescribed set of genes by which the genetic material, its unique sequencing, and the on and off switching process is responsible for the adaption of all species. It did not offer convincing evidence on how the differentiation of species was any thing more than a prescription within the genenome. Even though it seems that the potential for evolutionary differentiation or the creation of the missing link would seem possible in fact probable the evidence only illustrated that species differentiation is prescribed not incidental. The potential for every possibility, in this existence, is already coded in the genes and it is the genetic material in its entirety that dictates what becomes what and when. Nothing can exist that is not already part of the genetic code. The neanderthal and jelly fish are simply variations of the pallet that is possible. The question is how can something so complex come about when it is enveloped in a state of entropy from its inception.
The real issue is what dictates the switching and sequencing to produce a human or a tree. Is it by accident or by plan. Apparently by plan because when a human woman is pregnant there is never any doubt that she might be having a horse. It must be by plan because it each and every species differentiation must be coincidental with both male and female versions. It must be by plan because natural selection seeks to limit competition not increase it. It must be by plan or the devolvement of the species would have been the normal in the beginning an not just as we are experiencing it today.
Evolutionists fail to recognize that religion has been mischaracterized for so long by its antagonists that the actual meaning of being created by God does not have to mean two chickens materializes one day to populate the world with chickens. It appears the genetic code was written by God prior to the beginning of life and from within that code comes the chicken and everything else. So the answer to the question is the egg comes first. But if that is the case then evolution would seem to be the only process by which life could come into existence. Not necessarily as envisioned by man but as dictated by intelligent design. However, intelligent design doesn't make sense in consideration of the Neanderthal, Denisovian, and contemporary humans.
Science doesn't explain how a fully functioning genome came into being at the beginning, characterized as an explosion, of life on earth and has existed for hundreds of millions of years producing one unique species after another. It is unclear to me how such a huge diversity of species, much of it coincidental in existence, is possible if natural selection is the only determinate. Species adaption is proven as a natural occurrence and species manipulation is possible by controlled intervention but species differentiation is missing the links and not currently possible even by intervention.
Creation doesn't explanation the observable time line, the natural geologic processes, or the anomalies that exist in the geologic and natural history records.
After thinking about it, it doesn't make a whole lot of difference because life is terminal and we will either not be able regret that we didn't party or behave like there was no tomorrow or we will find ourselves in an afterlife and either regret our behaviors and lack of faith or, at best, find ourselves wondering what is next. That is the dilemma.
The real issue is what dictates the switching and sequencing to produce a human or a tree. Is it by accident or by plan. Apparently by plan because when a human woman is pregnant there is never any doubt that she might be having a horse. It must be by plan because it each and every species differentiation must be coincidental with both male and female versions. It must be by plan because natural selection seeks to limit competition not increase it. It must be by plan or the devolvement of the species would have been the normal in the beginning an not just as we are experiencing it today.
Evolutionists fail to recognize that religion has been mischaracterized for so long by its antagonists that the actual meaning of being created by God does not have to mean two chickens materializes one day to populate the world with chickens. It appears the genetic code was written by God prior to the beginning of life and from within that code comes the chicken and everything else. So the answer to the question is the egg comes first. But if that is the case then evolution would seem to be the only process by which life could come into existence. Not necessarily as envisioned by man but as dictated by intelligent design. However, intelligent design doesn't make sense in consideration of the Neanderthal, Denisovian, and contemporary humans.
Science doesn't explain how a fully functioning genome came into being at the beginning, characterized as an explosion, of life on earth and has existed for hundreds of millions of years producing one unique species after another. It is unclear to me how such a huge diversity of species, much of it coincidental in existence, is possible if natural selection is the only determinate. Species adaption is proven as a natural occurrence and species manipulation is possible by controlled intervention but species differentiation is missing the links and not currently possible even by intervention.
Creation doesn't explanation the observable time line, the natural geologic processes, or the anomalies that exist in the geologic and natural history records.
After thinking about it, it doesn't make a whole lot of difference because life is terminal and we will either not be able regret that we didn't party or behave like there was no tomorrow or we will find ourselves in an afterlife and either regret our behaviors and lack of faith or, at best, find ourselves wondering what is next. That is the dilemma.
Friday, January 25, 2013
The end
The misguided GOP efforts to offer a second class Democrat agenda is guaranteed to to fail. Now that the takers are an unassailable majority in the political scene trying to be a "me too" santa clause only with an attitude that not everyone can have everything is a nonstarter. Even though that is true, there isn't enough for everyone, the Democrats don't say it they just let the king makers hand out the goodies and pretend that every one is happy. It keeps them in office and if your not in office your not any where. The problem with the GOP is that the few principled republicans can't keep their mouth's shut and insist on letting the cat out of the bag. Who wants a santa clause that doesn't give you what you want. Let's get real, even if I don't get it now I must be going to get it later.
That being said the GOP and the United States are going to end. It hasn't been, the America that we knew for decades because the takers just weren't a super majority as they have become so there was some misguide belief that we could recapture what was lost. The we could turn the ship around. That common sense would prevail and reality would settle in.
Not only can the GOP and the conservatives not recapture the political scene the economic landscape has changed to the point that America will finally have to acknowledge the role it has occupied for some time now and that is neutered imp. The environmentalist, climate change alarmists, and apologists have successively throttled back the economic engine of this country by denying it the fuel that propelled this country and the rest of the world to the levels of prosperity never before realized. Even the poor were better off.
Without the wholesale plundering of the global resources and the no-holds barred expansion of the world's population there is no hope that America and the GOP will revive its status in the world. Not being a fan of the GOP's past performance I am, however, concerned about the conservative principles they paid lip service to. Are they at an end as well? Are we really going to descend into a big global government-police state distopia?
As much as I would like to believe that the adults are somehow in charge the results give me pause. We can get by with less but the so called leadership doesn't seem to know what prudence is. I understand the need for limits but don't understand the class warfare and retribution mentality that predominates in the halls of power. I recognize the need to be a good steward of the land, water, air, and animals but don't understand how sequestration of all resources bodes well for our well-being. I wonder how only the rich and powerful enjoying the limited bounties will help the poor. Socialism and activism works great until they run out of other peoples money and sequester the last remaining natural resource which might keep us from starving to death in the dark and freezing solid in the cold.
That being said the GOP and the United States are going to end. It hasn't been, the America that we knew for decades because the takers just weren't a super majority as they have become so there was some misguide belief that we could recapture what was lost. The we could turn the ship around. That common sense would prevail and reality would settle in.
Not only can the GOP and the conservatives not recapture the political scene the economic landscape has changed to the point that America will finally have to acknowledge the role it has occupied for some time now and that is neutered imp. The environmentalist, climate change alarmists, and apologists have successively throttled back the economic engine of this country by denying it the fuel that propelled this country and the rest of the world to the levels of prosperity never before realized. Even the poor were better off.
Without the wholesale plundering of the global resources and the no-holds barred expansion of the world's population there is no hope that America and the GOP will revive its status in the world. Not being a fan of the GOP's past performance I am, however, concerned about the conservative principles they paid lip service to. Are they at an end as well? Are we really going to descend into a big global government-police state distopia?
As much as I would like to believe that the adults are somehow in charge the results give me pause. We can get by with less but the so called leadership doesn't seem to know what prudence is. I understand the need for limits but don't understand the class warfare and retribution mentality that predominates in the halls of power. I recognize the need to be a good steward of the land, water, air, and animals but don't understand how sequestration of all resources bodes well for our well-being. I wonder how only the rich and powerful enjoying the limited bounties will help the poor. Socialism and activism works great until they run out of other peoples money and sequester the last remaining natural resource which might keep us from starving to death in the dark and freezing solid in the cold.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
What Difference
Hillary Clinton as a political appointee to the state department resided over the organization when a diplomat and three personnel were killed in Bengazhi, Lybia, Africa. During a congressional hearing she responded to an accusation that she misled congress and the American people by her fraudulent explanation for what caused the US Consulate to be attacked and over run. In her response she vehemently said "What difference, at this point, does it make?
It makes a difference when the next time, the state department, reports on an event that affects americans and we have to judge whether you are lying to us again or not.
It makes a difference to our willingness to sacrifice our lives, money, and time knowing that our best interests are not really a consideration by you or your department.
It makes a difference when congress is expected to support, with tax dollars, the foreign affairs of the nation when there is no trust in and a deep suspicion that the agenda is hidden or being obfuscated.
It makes a difference if our representative to other nations is caught blatantly lying to them and is viewed as a person who can not be trusted.
It makes a difference when the arrogance of the individual selected to occupy and perform a vital role in the government of the united states is proven to be incompetent and then tries to bluster her way out of the situation after lying about her acceptance of responsibility and acting out her remorseful statement.
It makes a huge difference and it is too bad that you don't understand that or worse yet you don't care.
We don't need people like you in government. We don't need people like you representing us to the world. We don't need anything you stand for. That is what difference it makes.
It makes a difference when the next time, the state department, reports on an event that affects americans and we have to judge whether you are lying to us again or not.
It makes a difference to our willingness to sacrifice our lives, money, and time knowing that our best interests are not really a consideration by you or your department.
It makes a difference when congress is expected to support, with tax dollars, the foreign affairs of the nation when there is no trust in and a deep suspicion that the agenda is hidden or being obfuscated.
It makes a difference if our representative to other nations is caught blatantly lying to them and is viewed as a person who can not be trusted.
It makes a difference when the arrogance of the individual selected to occupy and perform a vital role in the government of the united states is proven to be incompetent and then tries to bluster her way out of the situation after lying about her acceptance of responsibility and acting out her remorseful statement.
It makes a huge difference and it is too bad that you don't understand that or worse yet you don't care.
We don't need people like you in government. We don't need people like you representing us to the world. We don't need anything you stand for. That is what difference it makes.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Why do I need to buy a gun that can shoot multiple rounds as quickly as I can pull the trigger? Why do I need to buy a sports car that has upwards of 400 hp and can reach speeds of 180 mph? Why do I need to drink more booze than I can handle and still have the ability to drive a car and not be responsible for the care and well being of my family? Why can I have sex and not worry about the consequences because it is legal to have an abortion? The apparent answer is because I can. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be a happy medium. It is just as easy to sponsor to many restrictions in the name of safety and security. For example the so called health school lunch menu and the ban on 32 ounce soft drinks.
Thousands of people are killed every year by guns. Substantially less than that are children. Tens of thousands of people are killed annually by cars and thousands are children. Thousands of people are killed by the affects of booze and millions of people have their lives adversely affected by the influence of alcohol. And literally 3000 plus babies are murdered every day in this country by abortionists. Tens of thousands of people die because of poor health exacerbated by bad food choices and inactive life styles.
What a joke. A few loud mouths with misplaced values, a group of pandering politicians, and complicit journalists is all that it takes to ruin a good country. As is the proverbial apple barrel which is ruined by the one bad apple. Without due diligence and a willingness to review the circumstances, set firm standards and discard the bad apples the content of the barrel is assured of being ruined.
Who gets to decide the standards and which barrels are inspected, and how are the bad apples taken care of. Unlike apples we humans, I think, can actually think for ourselves. So what is the problem? Why are so many barrels going bad? Is it intellectual immaturity? The inability to comprehend the circumstances and critical think the situation through to an appropriate solution? The inherent difference of opinion about everything and the inability to rationalize the outcome of one idea over the other? An unwillingness to compromise or even sacrifice one's position, for the good the group, because it is demonstrably the poorer choice?
The problem is us. Just because we can should not mean that we do. Just because we are does not mean that we should. Just because it is our preference does not mean that it is right. We need to grow up and act like responsible adults. I think it is possible for almost every preference to exist as long as it is tempered by responsibility and accountability. That is where the crux of the problem exists. Our disagreement on what is responsible and who should be accountable.
Thousands of people are killed every year by guns. Substantially less than that are children. Tens of thousands of people are killed annually by cars and thousands are children. Thousands of people are killed by the affects of booze and millions of people have their lives adversely affected by the influence of alcohol. And literally 3000 plus babies are murdered every day in this country by abortionists. Tens of thousands of people die because of poor health exacerbated by bad food choices and inactive life styles.
What a joke. A few loud mouths with misplaced values, a group of pandering politicians, and complicit journalists is all that it takes to ruin a good country. As is the proverbial apple barrel which is ruined by the one bad apple. Without due diligence and a willingness to review the circumstances, set firm standards and discard the bad apples the content of the barrel is assured of being ruined.
Who gets to decide the standards and which barrels are inspected, and how are the bad apples taken care of. Unlike apples we humans, I think, can actually think for ourselves. So what is the problem? Why are so many barrels going bad? Is it intellectual immaturity? The inability to comprehend the circumstances and critical think the situation through to an appropriate solution? The inherent difference of opinion about everything and the inability to rationalize the outcome of one idea over the other? An unwillingness to compromise or even sacrifice one's position, for the good the group, because it is demonstrably the poorer choice?
The problem is us. Just because we can should not mean that we do. Just because we are does not mean that we should. Just because it is our preference does not mean that it is right. We need to grow up and act like responsible adults. I think it is possible for almost every preference to exist as long as it is tempered by responsibility and accountability. That is where the crux of the problem exists. Our disagreement on what is responsible and who should be accountable.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Their money
Some how American's have gotten use to the idea that their grandchildren won't mind if we spend their money.
It started out innocently enough we spent their money for things that they might grow up to enjoy like dams and roads and utility systems. Then some how our politicians decide that spending their money on freedom maintenance payments to foreign countries was somehow a benevolent expense that they would not mind.
Of course taking care of their aging parents was a worthy expense and maybe even paying for some of their medical issues could be justified but the politicians were only getting started. Welfare made some sense who else would pay for them. Surely we can't be expected to do it and heaven for bid that they be held accountable for their own sins. Thomas Jefferson must have been evil man to say the poor should not be comfortable in there state of being.
Don't bother us with the details, how can we invest in the future if we have to pay attention to the infrastructure costs. After all the up-coming generation was going to enjoy a quality of life as never before imagined. It is only a small problem that deterioration and obsolescence didn't figure into the original calculations. Now we have the opportunity to to spend more of their money to replace things that they originally paid for and haven't yet grown up to use.
Never mind the trivial issues of infrastructure or world peace. We have the sick, the lame, and the lazy to deal with. They don't carry their own weight but that's okay their Americans so the rich can be taped for that. The rich and their children owe it to those who didn't have the silver spoon at birth and aren't listed on the inheritance schedule.
Public service use to be an offering of one's time, talent, and money earning capacity for the betterment of society. But that kind of got to be a drag and once the scoundrels among us realized that election to public office gave them access to the public treasury Katy-bar-the-door. Realizing that reelection was a necessary evil handing out money to other public service employees was a natural idea coming to its time. When the tax money got tight offers to pay bond holders interest on their savings swindled even the prudent out of their children' s money. Does evil genius ever stop? With the short time stimulus and public sentiment about public spending coming to an end offering benefits to the public employees as opposed to higher salaries appeared to be a new swindle that would be under the radar and extended the charade but it also fortuitously stuck the public hand deeper into the pockets of the kid's kids. What a stroke of evil genius.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end but public spending only looks for more patsies to pilfer. So if we, including the prudent, are to continue to enjoy the benefits that we have become accustomed to then to heck with owing it too ourselves we must include all of those nations that are prospering because of our reckless spending both public and private and extend our swindle to them, it is only fair. Surely the good faith and credit of the united states can extend the good times for who knows how long. Besides, why exclude the children of the world from paying for our good times.
Sha-zam the gig is up and those pesky foreign accountants are suggesting the our credit isn't what it's all cracked up to be. Now what do we do. No way am I going to give up my cushy, bigger than it needs to be, home, high salary, exorbitantly costly public services, or nary a cent of my retirement. Don't even think about it. Yea, I know what the problems are with printing money but a guy has to do what a guy has to do. Besides it only screws the kids. We will be long gone before they even know what hit them.
It started out innocently enough we spent their money for things that they might grow up to enjoy like dams and roads and utility systems. Then some how our politicians decide that spending their money on freedom maintenance payments to foreign countries was somehow a benevolent expense that they would not mind.
Of course taking care of their aging parents was a worthy expense and maybe even paying for some of their medical issues could be justified but the politicians were only getting started. Welfare made some sense who else would pay for them. Surely we can't be expected to do it and heaven for bid that they be held accountable for their own sins. Thomas Jefferson must have been evil man to say the poor should not be comfortable in there state of being.
Don't bother us with the details, how can we invest in the future if we have to pay attention to the infrastructure costs. After all the up-coming generation was going to enjoy a quality of life as never before imagined. It is only a small problem that deterioration and obsolescence didn't figure into the original calculations. Now we have the opportunity to to spend more of their money to replace things that they originally paid for and haven't yet grown up to use.
Never mind the trivial issues of infrastructure or world peace. We have the sick, the lame, and the lazy to deal with. They don't carry their own weight but that's okay their Americans so the rich can be taped for that. The rich and their children owe it to those who didn't have the silver spoon at birth and aren't listed on the inheritance schedule.
Public service use to be an offering of one's time, talent, and money earning capacity for the betterment of society. But that kind of got to be a drag and once the scoundrels among us realized that election to public office gave them access to the public treasury Katy-bar-the-door. Realizing that reelection was a necessary evil handing out money to other public service employees was a natural idea coming to its time. When the tax money got tight offers to pay bond holders interest on their savings swindled even the prudent out of their children' s money. Does evil genius ever stop? With the short time stimulus and public sentiment about public spending coming to an end offering benefits to the public employees as opposed to higher salaries appeared to be a new swindle that would be under the radar and extended the charade but it also fortuitously stuck the public hand deeper into the pockets of the kid's kids. What a stroke of evil genius.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end but public spending only looks for more patsies to pilfer. So if we, including the prudent, are to continue to enjoy the benefits that we have become accustomed to then to heck with owing it too ourselves we must include all of those nations that are prospering because of our reckless spending both public and private and extend our swindle to them, it is only fair. Surely the good faith and credit of the united states can extend the good times for who knows how long. Besides, why exclude the children of the world from paying for our good times.
Sha-zam the gig is up and those pesky foreign accountants are suggesting the our credit isn't what it's all cracked up to be. Now what do we do. No way am I going to give up my cushy, bigger than it needs to be, home, high salary, exorbitantly costly public services, or nary a cent of my retirement. Don't even think about it. Yea, I know what the problems are with printing money but a guy has to do what a guy has to do. Besides it only screws the kids. We will be long gone before they even know what hit them.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
It is hard to imagine that Paul Krugman and his mindless mentor are so stupid that they actually think, if one can call it thinking, that debt has no consequences and fiscal restraint is the problem not the solution.
Do they buy their daily needs with something other than a recognized currency? Are their vendors supplying their daily consumables at no charge and do not send them a monthly statement of their expenditures. Do they not cash their pay check assuming that they get paid for their idiotic statements and propositions? Can they just stop by and pick up their latest choice in vehicles, stereos, articles of clothing etc.. Are they not expecting some type of retirement package to cover their wants and needs in the future after they have retired from their idiot jobs?
Who will provide them with food or clothing if everyone else follows their lead and spouts off at the mouth or better yet saves their breath and just waits at home for their latest desires to be delivered?
Why waste our time on the pretense that money is actually needed to account for time, labor, and materials or engage in frivolous thought about the value of things as a measure worth, or better still concern ourselves about the cost of anything because that leads to the idea that if we don't have enough money to pay for it we can just arrange to borrow it from someone who has more of it than we do.
Unfortunately, that leads to the notion that the bank might want their money back, probably with interest. If we just borrow it from ourselves then obviously that would be stupid to pay ourselves back so then there really is no such thing as debt, no real need for money, lets just line up at the counter and place our orders for the latest anything. The only problem is that there will be no one at the counter to take our order. Wait a minute... we can just order it from ourselves, owe it to our selves, and save time by not paying ourselves back. Genius
Why didn't someone come up with idea sooner. It gets rid of all of the middle men, and bankers, and lawyers, and politicians, and poor it is truly utopian.
Do they buy their daily needs with something other than a recognized currency? Are their vendors supplying their daily consumables at no charge and do not send them a monthly statement of their expenditures. Do they not cash their pay check assuming that they get paid for their idiotic statements and propositions? Can they just stop by and pick up their latest choice in vehicles, stereos, articles of clothing etc.. Are they not expecting some type of retirement package to cover their wants and needs in the future after they have retired from their idiot jobs?
Who will provide them with food or clothing if everyone else follows their lead and spouts off at the mouth or better yet saves their breath and just waits at home for their latest desires to be delivered?
Why waste our time on the pretense that money is actually needed to account for time, labor, and materials or engage in frivolous thought about the value of things as a measure worth, or better still concern ourselves about the cost of anything because that leads to the idea that if we don't have enough money to pay for it we can just arrange to borrow it from someone who has more of it than we do.
Unfortunately, that leads to the notion that the bank might want their money back, probably with interest. If we just borrow it from ourselves then obviously that would be stupid to pay ourselves back so then there really is no such thing as debt, no real need for money, lets just line up at the counter and place our orders for the latest anything. The only problem is that there will be no one at the counter to take our order. Wait a minute... we can just order it from ourselves, owe it to our selves, and save time by not paying ourselves back. Genius
Why didn't someone come up with idea sooner. It gets rid of all of the middle men, and bankers, and lawyers, and politicians, and poor it is truly utopian.
Gun Ban
I find it amazing that a people, leaders in particular, think that banning the implement of death is the solution to the act of killing. I suppose that if we bury our swords the consequence will be peace. A misconception from inception. Murder and mayhem are not the function of the implement merely the result of a personality gone astray.
From the beginning survival of the fittest or jealously and rage has always been the motivation for killing, guns just make it simpler to accomplish.
The solution is not to ban all implements of killing or even legislate against the act, it is to resolve the ill feelings of the individual or individuals that thinks the solution to his or their problem is kill the imagined source.
How do we go about doing that? To elevate the individual, not by beauty contest or legislation, but by humanity. Society offers some amenities that rugged individualism can not. It also dehumanizes the individual because it tries to quantify and qualify things rather people. It tries to establish procedures and processes as a means of dealing with inadequacies. It tries to legislate as opposed to accommodate. Its biggest failure is that it tries to aggregate in the interest of efficiency and effectiveness.
Especially in the past and even today the inequities of the world and the people that populate it have resulted in a few doing better than most and some accumulating all of the power while too many go without. As a result anger, fear, envy, lust etc. occupy the minds of too many and retribution the sole purpose of the most aggrieved or evil individuals who can carry out their ill intent as never before.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to legislate morals. Although if we did it would be a whole lot easier to deal with the trouble makers than clean up the carnage of a massacre.
The first thing we do is legislate morals. Teach them in school and enforce them in public. We have tried the no morals thing and as a result children are mass murdered not only by gun but by surgeons scalpel.
The second thing we do is to divest authority. Take the burden of being the most powerful man in the world off the shoulders and ego of a single individual. Restore responsibility to the individual state, county, town and individual. The minor conflicts between smaller entities can be resolved at a lesser cost than multinational conflicts or world wars. Genocide need not happen but until there is resolve to let other coexist the conflicts are better kept at the local level as opposed to the regional.
Bad things will continue to happen because bad men exist. However, if the good men are enabled and the good outcomes are promoted and bad behavior is not condoned by communities of responsible individuals the trend toward peace and prosperity will be upward.
Does this mean segregation and discrimination? Of course it does. Does this mean conflagration of freedom and liberty or immigration and emigration to emancipate and liberate. It does if society recognizes the strength of diversity as opposed to the proposition of homogeneity along the lines of a single demographic mentality.
How do we coexist? My ideas and yours? My feelings and yours? My sensitivities and your?
Never before have we as a world population had the ability to communicate, to commiserate, to educate, and to innovate. Rather than aggregate and attempt to find a one size fits all government it is time to disaggregate and work toward a time when there is not need for government because we each govern ourselves in the best interest of our locale, region, and environment. Technology makes this possible as never before. The age old adage of My right to swing my fist ends at where you nose begins. If I don't want to hear what you have to say the I need the ability to discriminate. If I don't want to see you or witness your activities then need the ability to segregate. What we need is the will to respect the rights of others and the ability to cooperate. All possible through technology.
From the beginning survival of the fittest or jealously and rage has always been the motivation for killing, guns just make it simpler to accomplish.
The solution is not to ban all implements of killing or even legislate against the act, it is to resolve the ill feelings of the individual or individuals that thinks the solution to his or their problem is kill the imagined source.
How do we go about doing that? To elevate the individual, not by beauty contest or legislation, but by humanity. Society offers some amenities that rugged individualism can not. It also dehumanizes the individual because it tries to quantify and qualify things rather people. It tries to establish procedures and processes as a means of dealing with inadequacies. It tries to legislate as opposed to accommodate. Its biggest failure is that it tries to aggregate in the interest of efficiency and effectiveness.
Especially in the past and even today the inequities of the world and the people that populate it have resulted in a few doing better than most and some accumulating all of the power while too many go without. As a result anger, fear, envy, lust etc. occupy the minds of too many and retribution the sole purpose of the most aggrieved or evil individuals who can carry out their ill intent as never before.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to legislate morals. Although if we did it would be a whole lot easier to deal with the trouble makers than clean up the carnage of a massacre.
The first thing we do is legislate morals. Teach them in school and enforce them in public. We have tried the no morals thing and as a result children are mass murdered not only by gun but by surgeons scalpel.
The second thing we do is to divest authority. Take the burden of being the most powerful man in the world off the shoulders and ego of a single individual. Restore responsibility to the individual state, county, town and individual. The minor conflicts between smaller entities can be resolved at a lesser cost than multinational conflicts or world wars. Genocide need not happen but until there is resolve to let other coexist the conflicts are better kept at the local level as opposed to the regional.
Bad things will continue to happen because bad men exist. However, if the good men are enabled and the good outcomes are promoted and bad behavior is not condoned by communities of responsible individuals the trend toward peace and prosperity will be upward.
Does this mean segregation and discrimination? Of course it does. Does this mean conflagration of freedom and liberty or immigration and emigration to emancipate and liberate. It does if society recognizes the strength of diversity as opposed to the proposition of homogeneity along the lines of a single demographic mentality.
How do we coexist? My ideas and yours? My feelings and yours? My sensitivities and your?
Never before have we as a world population had the ability to communicate, to commiserate, to educate, and to innovate. Rather than aggregate and attempt to find a one size fits all government it is time to disaggregate and work toward a time when there is not need for government because we each govern ourselves in the best interest of our locale, region, and environment. Technology makes this possible as never before. The age old adage of My right to swing my fist ends at where you nose begins. If I don't want to hear what you have to say the I need the ability to discriminate. If I don't want to see you or witness your activities then need the ability to segregate. What we need is the will to respect the rights of others and the ability to cooperate. All possible through technology.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Stupid is...
Today I learned that B.O. doesn't think his government is over spending. His administration has spent more in four years than every other administration since the beginning of the country, the deficit is greater than any previous administration, the debt is growing faster than any previous administration and he doesn't think...
What a moron.
Now I find out the in his infinite stupidity he has chosen a french economist to lead some US economic planning group. As if Europe, France in particular, is an economic model that has relevance to the US economic problems. As if a practicing socialist from a bankrupt country in a economic union that is defunct has something to offer a bankrupt pseudo capitalist country with a defunct economic system and a president whose only plan is to print money.
What a joke.
If you can't fix the problem, go on vacation. 20 million dollars to fly the POTUS and his entourage to Hawaii. The man is an embarrassment and an assault on the rapidly fading dignity of a once great country. Some how the moron thinks that this country became great because it stole money from people who have none and that it wealth is a commodity which can be mined from the wall street banks and spread around. His administration is filled with grade escalated graduates from this country's incompetent education system but highly competent indoctrination programs.
as stupid does.
What a moron.
Now I find out the in his infinite stupidity he has chosen a french economist to lead some US economic planning group. As if Europe, France in particular, is an economic model that has relevance to the US economic problems. As if a practicing socialist from a bankrupt country in a economic union that is defunct has something to offer a bankrupt pseudo capitalist country with a defunct economic system and a president whose only plan is to print money.
What a joke.
If you can't fix the problem, go on vacation. 20 million dollars to fly the POTUS and his entourage to Hawaii. The man is an embarrassment and an assault on the rapidly fading dignity of a once great country. Some how the moron thinks that this country became great because it stole money from people who have none and that it wealth is a commodity which can be mined from the wall street banks and spread around. His administration is filled with grade escalated graduates from this country's incompetent education system but highly competent indoctrination programs.
as stupid does.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Trillion dollar coin
The intelligence of the current presidential administration has always been a lot suspect because of the stupid things that it says and does. The Representative of the government must be idiots because of the justifications that they espouse in response to the simple questions that the dumbed down media ask. Geitner blamed turbo tax for his tax evasion. Polosie and one of the department directors actually believe that welfare spending creates jobs. The POTUS actually thinks that a coin is worth one trillion dollars. That the death of three state department personnel was a little sloppy management on their part.
It is good thing Geitner runs the IRS because his butt would be in jail or his bank account seized if it were any one of us. The fact that welfare spending is not just tax dollars but imaginary money pilfered from future generations doesn't seem to register on the brain dead of Washington especially the two dullest bulbs of the pack. And the fact that there is no money in the bank, no gold standard, no credit available seems to allude the administrations economic giants and their idiot boss. It reminds me of the joke about the blond who insisted that she must have money in the bank or there wouldn't be a check in check book.
How is it possible that this group of clowns were officially elected to office this past week? Fraud, deceit and stupidity. Tell the useful morons what they want to hear and promise them what they want because once they vote it doesn't matter. Even if they do they are too stupid to do anything about it. So now we have achieved the ultimate. The stupid leading the stupid. The welfare receipients are lining up at the strip bar to get cash from their welfare card that is being paid for with a coin whose value is one trillion dollars on the premise that more stripper jobs are being created as they gyrate and more people are being employed to meet the increased demand for goods and services paid for by the imaginary cash advances of the unemployed and the unemployable.
It is good thing Geitner runs the IRS because his butt would be in jail or his bank account seized if it were any one of us. The fact that welfare spending is not just tax dollars but imaginary money pilfered from future generations doesn't seem to register on the brain dead of Washington especially the two dullest bulbs of the pack. And the fact that there is no money in the bank, no gold standard, no credit available seems to allude the administrations economic giants and their idiot boss. It reminds me of the joke about the blond who insisted that she must have money in the bank or there wouldn't be a check in check book.
How is it possible that this group of clowns were officially elected to office this past week? Fraud, deceit and stupidity. Tell the useful morons what they want to hear and promise them what they want because once they vote it doesn't matter. Even if they do they are too stupid to do anything about it. So now we have achieved the ultimate. The stupid leading the stupid. The welfare receipients are lining up at the strip bar to get cash from their welfare card that is being paid for with a coin whose value is one trillion dollars on the premise that more stripper jobs are being created as they gyrate and more people are being employed to meet the increased demand for goods and services paid for by the imaginary cash advances of the unemployed and the unemployable.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Any shadow of a doubt
What a joke my country has become. It is all because my fellow citizen's have decide that their need to get stuff for free is greater than their country's well being. We have elected for scores-of-decades crooks, con artists, and clowns who have, with impunity, filled theirs and their crony's pockets with bounteous tax dollars. At first, then with too easily borrowed money and their advisers telling us that we were borrowing it from ourselves, they had a new lease on luting the treasury until that ran out. As soon as they couldn't borrow it from us as fast as they were spending it they went begging to Japan, China, and anyone else enamored with this country's prosperity. Now that, our politicians insatiable lust for spending and our entitled class of citizen's demands for government goodies has exhausted that market it was time to get serious about finding a better source that is not going to run out and require them to justify their borrowing requests. It is not possible to over estimate the will of a politician to spend money that is not theirs. As the drought of funds began to seriously inpinged on their style they redoubled their efforts to discovered some other way to pay for their addiction.
I am sure it was to their delight and amazement when their economic gerus announced that the worlds monitary system as we know it was going to crash unless they decided to spend more money than all of the previous administrtions in history. It was music to their ears when they heard that they would have to dispense with reality and simply pretend that the vapor money from the federal reserve could do that and better it might just do it forever!
They can only kick themselves for not thinking of this earlier. How much time has been wasted talking about a balanced budget. There was that pesky pledge of not monetizing our debt but that was put behind them quickly and now the only things stopping them is the typing speed of their secretary adding zeros to the spread sheets. Hallelujah, happy days are here again. If it wasn't for those pesky politicians that refuse to drink the cool aid everything would be grand. And now that the diversionnary tactic entitled the fiscal cliff has been, oh so dramatically, dismissed by congress they can settle in for some, much needed, rest and relaxation while the administration continues unabashedly administering the redistribution of the nation's pretend wealth. Unfortunately, there really isn't any actual money to redistribute so maybe they can call it the recapitalization of the worlds markets. After all our elected leader believes that the US unfairly cheated, chiseled, and pried the money away from the rest of the world and wantonly spent it on themselves, burned it up in their gas guzzeling cars, heated and airconditioned buildings and probably eat the spare cash that was laying around. It has to be returned somehow. Once the Americana's got it was never be spent again. I mean the tax receipts are way less than their spending so it must be being eaten.
What a perfect coincidence of events BO and his communist buddies can recapitalize the world and world's hard currency is simply not up to the task. With an unlimited supply of immaginary money and an willingness, no a duty to spend it.
If that wasn't enough my elected officials have knowingly pilfered the treasury and profited from their positions with hardly a misstep. Occasionally a crook so brazen that he gets caught with his hand in the bank is dismissed but hardly embarrassed. Lately, the miss titled ethics committees have bent over backwards to not let that happen, it gives congress a black eye y'a know. Besides what's a career politican suppose to do. They have families whose children shouldn't have to pay back their student loans and their medical needs are even more important than every one else. Retirement comes even for some of them surely their service to America is worth a few hundred thousand dollars a year for life (even if they only serve part of a term) political life is uncertain. How else are we going attract the best and the brightest crooks, criminal, and con artists.
Even though we passed this milestone in the dead of night with no fan fair and quite some time ago, my country has finally dispensed with the pretense of enforcing law and order. The non-enforcement has been going on for a while but conviently of lost in the morass of government. However,with this last administration of Chicago land politi-gangsters openly not enforcing the law and enacting phony pieces of legislation, signing executive orders, and brazenly expanding existing, but limiting legislation their powers to fleece the remaining few capitalists hold outs.
Wonder of wonders now that the democrats have been, almost miraculously reelected by the edicts of the Secretay's of state, the vast sums of foreign campaign money, the rapidly expanding roles of welfare babies, newly hired and well paid federal bureaucrats, in addition to the pork barrel government money recipients, not even the actual Laws and Orders can dissuade them from their appointed task.There was little to hold them back before and now the pretense could be done away with entirely.
As I re-read this I am struck by the thought that maybe I should be crying instead of trying to be satirical. The country I thought I was a resident of has long since vanished and last night's legislative melodrama proves it beyond any shadow of a doubt. Foolishly I think I can post this as an expression of my first amendment rights. However there are events taking place and actions that will be taken which will prove how foolish I am being.
I am sure it was to their delight and amazement when their economic gerus announced that the worlds monitary system as we know it was going to crash unless they decided to spend more money than all of the previous administrtions in history. It was music to their ears when they heard that they would have to dispense with reality and simply pretend that the vapor money from the federal reserve could do that and better it might just do it forever!
They can only kick themselves for not thinking of this earlier. How much time has been wasted talking about a balanced budget. There was that pesky pledge of not monetizing our debt but that was put behind them quickly and now the only things stopping them is the typing speed of their secretary adding zeros to the spread sheets. Hallelujah, happy days are here again. If it wasn't for those pesky politicians that refuse to drink the cool aid everything would be grand. And now that the diversionnary tactic entitled the fiscal cliff has been, oh so dramatically, dismissed by congress they can settle in for some, much needed, rest and relaxation while the administration continues unabashedly administering the redistribution of the nation's pretend wealth. Unfortunately, there really isn't any actual money to redistribute so maybe they can call it the recapitalization of the worlds markets. After all our elected leader believes that the US unfairly cheated, chiseled, and pried the money away from the rest of the world and wantonly spent it on themselves, burned it up in their gas guzzeling cars, heated and airconditioned buildings and probably eat the spare cash that was laying around. It has to be returned somehow. Once the Americana's got it was never be spent again. I mean the tax receipts are way less than their spending so it must be being eaten.
What a perfect coincidence of events BO and his communist buddies can recapitalize the world and world's hard currency is simply not up to the task. With an unlimited supply of immaginary money and an willingness, no a duty to spend it.
If that wasn't enough my elected officials have knowingly pilfered the treasury and profited from their positions with hardly a misstep. Occasionally a crook so brazen that he gets caught with his hand in the bank is dismissed but hardly embarrassed. Lately, the miss titled ethics committees have bent over backwards to not let that happen, it gives congress a black eye y'a know. Besides what's a career politican suppose to do. They have families whose children shouldn't have to pay back their student loans and their medical needs are even more important than every one else. Retirement comes even for some of them surely their service to America is worth a few hundred thousand dollars a year for life (even if they only serve part of a term) political life is uncertain. How else are we going attract the best and the brightest crooks, criminal, and con artists.
Even though we passed this milestone in the dead of night with no fan fair and quite some time ago, my country has finally dispensed with the pretense of enforcing law and order. The non-enforcement has been going on for a while but conviently of lost in the morass of government. However,with this last administration of Chicago land politi-gangsters openly not enforcing the law and enacting phony pieces of legislation, signing executive orders, and brazenly expanding existing, but limiting legislation their powers to fleece the remaining few capitalists hold outs.
Wonder of wonders now that the democrats have been, almost miraculously reelected by the edicts of the Secretay's of state, the vast sums of foreign campaign money, the rapidly expanding roles of welfare babies, newly hired and well paid federal bureaucrats, in addition to the pork barrel government money recipients, not even the actual Laws and Orders can dissuade them from their appointed task.There was little to hold them back before and now the pretense could be done away with entirely.
As I re-read this I am struck by the thought that maybe I should be crying instead of trying to be satirical. The country I thought I was a resident of has long since vanished and last night's legislative melodrama proves it beyond any shadow of a doubt. Foolishly I think I can post this as an expression of my first amendment rights. However there are events taking place and actions that will be taken which will prove how foolish I am being.
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