Friday, October 16, 2015

Rule of Law

The downfall of our society is being usered in as the rule of law is being violated by ever increasing numbers and classes of people join in. We now have a president who knowingly administers his regime by systematically ignoring the law and the constitution.

We have a presidential canidate who has committed felonies against the congress and is still a candidate with maybe enough ignorant  and selfish citizens to elect her.

In the lawless big cities policemen are being shot with impunity and the criminals are raging at-will destroying property and killing its citizens while journalists justify and incite.

The criminal element has gotten itself elected and staffed the government with cronies who use their power to persecute their enemies.

The amoral and godless are occupying greater numbers of the seats of our congresses and legislatures promlugating regulations and replacing laws which diminish the constitution and enslave the productive for their socialist purposes.

America as it was invisioned was never really implemented and the few ideals that have managed to survive and enable prosperity and a semblance of freedom are succumbing to the evil nature of man and the willingness of women to sacrifice the future.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, bias, even hate and discontent is an emotion based on preference and ignorance. Retribution is not based on preference or ignorance it is a conscious and premeditated persecution of a person or group thought to be the source of discrimination, bigotry, prejudice, bias and even hate and discontent.

The problem is that some self interested activists of the discriminated group thinks that they are morally justified seeking retribution from the posterity of the accused discriminating group. All things being equal that might not be the case but because of persistent inequities the discriminated group has an ax to grind and some a willingness to grind it.

Some of the problem is that there are a few who profit from the situation and strive to maximize it as opposed to seeking solutions for it. There are a few who benefit from it and are interested in keeping things as is. The are many who are sympathetic to it and offer no resistance or encourage any redemptive actions. There a few who perceive the problem and vocalize their opinion only to be chastised, rebuffed, or threatened.

Theory vs reality

I am not gifted enough to use math as a tool to model reality but I seem to be gifted with the ability to envision reality and question its intricacies. For example, string theory, the mathematical calculation of natural phenomenon could be, more accurately, the cross section of a frequency bubble in space.  Space being the ubiquitous medium of existence.  It is the smallest aspect of existence within which matter is created and destroyed. Similar to bubbles in water.  Water being the representative of space in this illustration.  Every thing exists within the continuum as elements composed of frequencies adjoined and synergistic to each other.  Constituted of space the smallest element of existence becomes the subatomic building blocks or bubbles which become atoms arranged in their various matrices representative of the constituents of this existence. Which we some how perceive as composing our reality and everything in it.

Similar to a bubble within water, only space occupies both sides of the frequency horizon which is the apparent perimeter or surface of the observable bubble.  Like the surface of a lake there is a point where it is both air and water.  With each bubble there is a transparency which is both space and time which represents matter in this existence.  Our existence is determine by our frequency range. The spectrum of everything we can observe and manipulate. A bubble appears instanteously upon sufficient energy input.  Not knowing exactly what energy is but it some how animates space. Space is not a discrete particle because that would mean something other than space would have to surround it which must be something other than nothing.

Instead of multiple dimensions we exist within infinitely variable spatial frequencies.  We surround and are surrounded by other spectrums of existence determined by our frequency attentiveness.  That would enable practically instantaneous space travel.  We occupy a different spectrum upon achieving that degree of vibration which could mean occupying the very big or the very small.  The question is, can we travel within the apparent infinite reality of each existence. Light has a limit in this existence, assuming we know what light is. It seems demonstrable in that we can measure its affect on our surroundings and  it appears to enter our existence at various points of  our observable universe and travel throughout it. However our existence appears to be too vast for us to easily traverse the distances between bubbles of matter spread throughout.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Water and air are akin to space. To the naked eye we can not see the individual constituents we only see and free the affects. Space, however at the subatomic level is not composed of atoms but is a constituent in and of itself.  There can be no smaller constituent everything is composed of space and is differentiated only by vibration such as a bubble in a boiling pot of water.

Each and every particle of the universe is simply the vibration of space which gives rise to everything else. Therefore it was not a big bang but the first vibration or symphony.

The most interesting question is how did space begin to vibrate when it was presumably in equilibrium with no physical attributes to react to a universal sound (does a falling tree make a sound if there is no one there to hear it?) which was not in existence assuming that we are correct that nothing really exists outside of the physical universe we seem to occupy.

How can something which is not something vibrate? For example there is no sound in space that we can hear. It does however conduct electronic signals and light. Is space truly a vacuum or a medium we cannot perceive.  Did prehistoric man realize the significance of air? The space time continuum simply can not be succinct defined be cause no one knows what space is.