How can we...
Accentuate the positive as opposed to addressing the negative?
Befriend the possible as opposed to betraying our potential?
Control our emotions as opposed to criticizing our circumstances?
Develop character as opposed to denying accountability?
Evaluate our responses as opposed to eviscerating our relationships?
Find peace as opposed to foster discontent?
Grope success as opposed to grieve misfortune?
Hope for others as opposed to hate them?
Institute pride as opposed to initiating prejudice?
Jump into action as opposed to justifying our inaction?
Knowingly practice provident living as opposed to kicking the can down the road?
Laugh at ourselves as opposed to lamenting our fallibility?
Manage ourselves as opposed to manipulate others?
Nourish our friendships as opposed to navigating selfishness?
Open our eyes to the reality as opposed to oppressing our conscience?
Participate in communicating as opposed to practicing mind reading?
Quicken our understanding as opposed to quietly existing in ignorance?
Restrain our appetites as opposed to ransacking the pantry of life?
Subscribe to good as opposed to succumbing to evil?
Transfer knowledge as opposed to trashing common sense?
Utilizing the opportunity as opposed to using the moment?
Verify the intent as opposed to vilifying the messenger?
Wrangling with your conscience as opposed to wrestling with the outcome?
Xerox your positive attitude as opposed to practicing xenophobia?
Yell our thankfulness as opposed to yelping about fairness?
Zero in on the problem as opposed to practice zone defense?
I tried to be original but assume that others have come up with the same platitudes. I am not knowingly plagiarizering anyone else.
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