Monday, November 9, 2020

Why Gravity is NOT a Force

This supports my “Inertia” post and adds information to my notion that Gravity doesn’t actually exist.  There are two issues. First time space is not two dimensional but four. Which means the depiction of a warped sheet is incomplete. Second, what motivates matter?  Is the universe falling into a well of gravity or is God dipping a finger into the mix and spinning space in multiple directions kind of like an underwater speaker vibrates the pool?

Why The Speed Of Light Is Unmeasurable

This idea of light being instantaneous for the observer while the observee realizes the one way trip taking however much actual time it takes to go the distance at the scientifically agreed upon speed of light.  This is academic because we cannot be in two places at once as illustrated in the embedded video assuming it can be seen.

My perspective is religious. If light is instantaneous for us wherever we are then God can be what we imagine God to be because the passage of time is only relative to us and not an aggregate measure.  We perceive light coming to us over time and assume it takes and equal amount of time to return, which the video illustrates can’t be proven, so the idea of instant allows, from a scientific perspective, for God to exist and to inspire us on our journeys of discovery.